Since the Corona virus we all have been washing our hands as much as we can. I don't know about you all but between the hand sanitizer and the traditional soap my hands feel like the Sahara Desert. 😟I was so glad to have the opportunity to try this foaming hand soap by Dr. Jacobs. The Almond Honey fragrance is so refreshing.
Naturally cleanse and hydrate your hands with Almond Honey Pure Foaming Castile Hand Soap that is blended perfectly with coconut and sunflower oil (never palm oil) for delightfully soothing & foaming lather with no oily residue. Specially formulated for sensitive to very dry skin conditions such as eczema. Gentle enough for the whole family, even your four pawed family.
Please check out their website for a wealth of information. www.drjacobsnaturals.com
You can use my code finergy25 for 25% off at checkout.
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