This is the cutest HOODIE!! We all need inspiration! Our daily lives are filled with the good, bad and the UGLY. Each day is an opportunity for things to go sideways. When things go sideways, what do you do? We have several options. Do Nothing, Shut the world out, Get angry OR INHALE/EXHALE and come up with a plan.
The positive can outweigh the negative. This takes practice. Put more positive in your Brain then negative. We must find the positive in the Negative situation. Sounds easier said then done, Right?
Positive images, positive words, a smile😁, a kind gesture, children playing. Did you know if you feel negativity creeping in and you start to think of 5 positive things or thoughts this can help to counteract those negative thoughts? POWERFUL!!!
This company FerrisBuilt Apparel & Art offers apparel and gifts that focus on mental health awareness, self care, strong women and current topics. She has several collections.
Woman Empowering Collection, This collection is about empowering women and a strong mindset.
The Self-Care Collection focuses on the activities, behaviors, words and images that represent self-care.
The Mental Health Collection focuses on embracing our mental health as part of who
we are and normalizing it. Too often mental health is stigmatized.
Pandemic Collection from being quarantined during the pandemic to listening to pandemic experts, this collection covers all areas of the Coronavirus.
When you wear this positive apparel these positive messages not only help you, but possibly other people around you. That is POWERFUL! We are stronger together.
I was impressed with this hoodie. The material is good quality and it well insulated. Material is soft to touch and feels great against your skin. Check out their website for more information. www.ferrisbuilt.net
My discount code is Anjala10 take advantage of this great opportunity.
Continue to be Inspired! Life is Amazing! You ARE AMAZING!