What does being a Warrior mean? A Brave or experienced fighter. Fighting Multiple Sclerosis is an ongoing battle. We each have our different challenges. When I wake in the morning, I am thankful that I have been given another day. Another day to get closer to possibly winning the overwhelming internal and external battle. You see, sometimes underneath that smile or laughter there is pain and crying inside. BUT because we are the WARRIORS that we are ........We Strive to WIN. Every now and again I may need to go into hiding and rest up a bit to build up my STRENGTH. Never underestimate the power of a WARRIOR! We will use whatever weapons or tools that are available to help us get closer to conquering this DISEASE. FAITH, HUSBAND/WIFE, FAMILY, FRIENDS, TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER and in the end WE WILL WIN. Stay Positive my friends. This to shall pass.
Isn't this a cool Multiple Sclerosis T-Shirt? Thanks to @coach.rock.wear. www.coachrockapparel.com
Really awesome
You are an inspiration
You are a WARRIOR
This is very inspirational